About us


Welcome to Daru Computers – Your IT Compass!

At Daru Computers, we are your trusted guide in the ever-changing landscape of technology. With a passion for innovation and a commitment to excellence, we steer you towards IT solutions that empower your business.

Our Team:

Dari: MBA, Project Management Virtuoso

An MBA holder, Dari excels in project management. Her strategic prowess ensures seamless execution, delivering projects with precision and exceeding expectations.

Rusi: MSc in Computer Science, Tech Trailblazer

With an MSc in Computer Science, Rusi leads our tech endeavors. His diverse experience in business and IT fuels our cutting-edge solutions, ensuring you stay ahead of the curve.

Together, we navigate the IT landscape, charting a course for your success. Let Daru Computers be your IT compass on the journey of innovation!